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The Indian Grain Storage Management and Research Institute (IGMRI), Hapur and its two field stations located at Hyderabad and Ludhiana are conducting various certificate training programmes for the personnel who are directly and indirectly dealing with foodgrain storage and management. The training personnel includes the official of Food Corporation of India, Central Warehousing Corporation, Civil Supplies Corporation, candidates sponsored by Food and supplies department of various state governments, Agricultural Universities and Private candidates graduated in Science/Agricultural Sciences/Biology/Chemistry as well as trainees from different developing countries sponsored by FAO, SAARC, UNDP, Commonwealth Secretariat and Colombo plan etc on various aspects of post harvest technology and management of food grains.
At present Long Term Training Courses (LTTC) and Short Term Training Courses (STTC) are organised at Hapur, Hyderabad and Ludhiana. Long Term Training Courses (LTTC) are conducted for four (04) weeks and Short Term Training Courses (STTC) are of two (02) weeks and one (01) week duration.
IGMRI conducts training on
- “Scientific Methods of storage and Inspection of foodgrains”
- "Storage pests management and Fumigation”
- “Pesticides Residue Analysis”
- “Chemical and Physical Analysis of Food”
- “Rodent Management”
- “Post Harvest Technology of Foodgrains”.